Before the Guilford County Commissioners approved the resolution supporting the Heart of the Triad, Billy Yow had his say:

The steering committee of the Heart of the Triad has gone out and asked for public input but has not really taken public input. They have driven this thing to be what they want it to be. That’s the largest concern I’ve heard from the citizens and it’s upon us to send them back to the citizens of this county and take their input and give it some consideration. I think if we move forward we’re sending a negative signal to the folks, saying we don’t care that you don’t have any input, and we’re telling the Heart of the Triad folks ‘yes, we’re with you all the way,’ which boosts their level of arrogance, and I don’t think that’s the appropriate thing to do at this time.

Fellow commissioners Linda Shaw and Kirk Perkins argued that Yow’s substitute motion to table the resolution would delay the formation of the new HOT steering committee, and it was voted down. Besides, Shaw argued, concerned citizens would be even better represented with delegates from Guilford County seated at the table. Maybe, maybe not.

Shaw still expressed concern that “a year from now, there might not even be a Heart of the Triad.” Wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, if you ask me.