Whether the U.S. Justice Department continues to look into the Clinton Foundation, the controversy surrounding that organization might continue. Richard Pollock of the Daily Caller explains.

President-elect Donald Trump will encourage foreign governments to investigate the Clinton Foundation’s finances, according to a Sunday report by the New York Post.

The proposed action follows only days after a rapid-fire series of announcements from many major Western foreign capitals that they are reducing their contributions to the Clinton Foundation, or investigating the charity’s money trail in their countries.

The Australian government confirmed Friday it is not renewing its several partnerships with the Clinton Foundation, according to Australian news sources.

The Norwegian government also announced a 90 percent cut in contributions to the Clinton Foundation shortly after Hillary Clinton’s presidential election defeat, as first reported by The Daily Caller. …

… Financial pullbacks by such large Western foreign governments suggest their support was based more upon Clinton’s potential influence as president of the US, rather than on the merits of the foundation’s work.

Sources close to the Trump transition team told the Post the new president will ask U.S. ambassadors to raise the Clinton Foundation’s financial transactions with foreign governments, and suggest they probe their financial dealings.