John Hinderaker of the Powerline blog details the latest mischief from the Biden re-election campaign.
The stock market was down sharply again today, as a result of fears of resurgent inflation. Inflation is second only to senility as a threat to Joe Biden’s campaign, and the campaign is desperate to find an answer. How desperate? They plan to blame Donald Trump:
On Wednesday, after the latest inflation data showed an unexpected acceleration in price gains, Mr. Biden again tried to assure voters that he is focused on bringing down the cost of groceries, housing and other staples of everyday life, saying in a statement that “fighting inflation remains my top economic priority.”
Which is absurd, of course.
A beat later, he added a veiled shot at his Republican opponent, former President Donald J. Trump.
“We’re better situated than we were when we took office where we — inflation was skyrocketing,” Mr. Biden said. “And we have a plan to deal with it, whereas the opposition — my opposition talks about two things. They just want to cut taxes for the wealthy and raise taxes on other people.”
Every word and phrase in that statement is a lie. Remember the good old days when “news” outlets like the Washington Post kept a running tally of the alleged lies told by President Trump? If you did that with Biden you would run out of digits. The New York Times, in the linked story, admits that Biden stretches the truth just a bit:
Mr. Trump oversaw relatively low price growth as president and left office with an inflation rate below 2 percent….
… Biden’s team could try to argue that the main burst of inflation during his term was due to an unprecedented expansion of the money supply during the covid fiasco, which was done on a more or less bipartisan basis. But that would require them to accept responsibility for the inflation that has ravaged voters’ pocket books, which they don’t want to do.