Christian Datoc of the Daily Caller reports on an interesting response to Bruce Springsteen‘s decision to cancel a Greensboro concert because of North Carolina’s recently enacted House Bill 2.
A petition on has garnered nearly 500 signatures in support of Bruce Springsteen’s decision to cancel an April 10 concert in Greensboro, NC.
“Bruce Springsteen has a right to his deeply held beliefs. He has a right to control his business and refuse to do business with those he disagrees with,” the petition reads.
“He cancelled the concert just days before he was to perform, and did so specifically because he disagreed with the beliefs of the people of North Carolina.”
Additionally, the petition author Dennis Burgard argues that like Springsteen, “every business person” is entitled to the right to deny services where and when it violates their beliefs.
Finally, Burgard urges readers to “support the right of Bruce Springsteen and ALL Americans in their right to control their own business,” by signing the petition.
“Rock on Bruce! You exercised your rights as a business person and we support your right!”