….To catch up with residents of the “Wall Street of the South” interviewed eight ago as the Obama administration was preparing to make the world a wonderful place again.
How’s everyone doing? So-so ——at best. Most interesting were comments from an African American barber who—gasp—voiced support for—gasp—Donald Trump:
Barbershop chain No Grease is an African American-owned business, which helped Barack Obama in 2008 by encouraging its customers to vote. Barbershop chain No Grease is an African American-owned business, which helped Barack Obama in 2008 by encouraging its customers to vote.
…Co-owner Jermaine Johnson looks back on what might have been. He’d hoped an Obama presidency would do more for the economic prospects of the African American community.
No Grease campaigned for the president again in 2012 but the choice then was, in Mr Johnson’s words, “Mumps or measles – and we went for measles.” He is still undecided about November, but likes the presumptive Republican nominee.
“I think he gets some of things that America was built on. I can learn to disagree with some of what he says – but he has a lot of great ideas. He’s the most courageous of all of them.”
And, as a barber, he added, he’s intrigued by what’s on top of Mr Trump’s head.
“I wouldn’t mind pulling that combover back and letting us see what he’s really got under there.”
For heaven’s sake don’t tell Leonard Pitts there are African-Americans out there supporting Trump, especially since he’s all worried there will be blood in the streets should Trump lose….