David Rutz writes for FoxNews.com about Biden administration preparations for a possible electoral loss in November.
President Biden’s administration and liberal supporters in Washington are bracing for a possible Donald Trump victory in November by installing “roadblocks” to limit the latter’s ability to fire thousands of government workers, according to a new report.
The Associated Press reported that a cabal of left-leaning experts, legal advisers and others are confident Biden will be re-elected but are urging him to prepare for the worst: another Trump presidency beginning in 2025.
“My impression is the Biden administration is taking very seriously that potential threat and is trying to do things now,” Michael Linden, former executive associate director of the White House Office of Management and Budget under Biden, told the AP. Although he added there was no “magic bullet” to stop Trump if he took office again. “Nobody should be under any illusion that there’s anything that this president can do in advance to prevent the next president from doing things that are very damaging, potentially catastrophically.”
The AP reported the “Office of Personnel Management, the federal government’s chief human resources agency, will finalize a rule by April against reclassifying tens of thousands of workers so they can be more easily fired, according to OPM spokesperson Viet Tran.” A Biden campaign spokesperson said Trump was “already telegraphing plays straight out of the authoritarian playbook — gutting the civil service of people he deems disloyal and plotting revenge on his political enemies.”
A hypothetical Trump administration would take months or even years to unwind it, the AP wrote. The wire service added that other options for Biden to “thwart” a potential succession could include “promoting expanded collective bargaining agreements with federal personnel to beginning the complicated bureaucratic task of designating more government posts as policy-dedicated, thus making workers harder to fire.”