A fraction of North Carolina’s voting population returned to the polls this week to cast ballots in primary runoff elections. Carolina Journal Associate Editor David Bass‘ report on the results attracted attention from the Lincoln Tribune and Tar Heel Tribune. The Heartland Institute’s Budget & Tax News also picked up Bass’ story about the N.C. Department of Revenue’s special tax reviews targeting large North Carolina families. The Lincoln Tribune and Tar Heel Tribune also published contributor Karen Welsh‘s article about concerns local government leaders have expressed about the likely local impact of federal health-care reforms. The Lincoln Tribune, N.C. Senate Republicans, and RealFilmCareer.com website all took note of editorial intern Bill Flanigen‘s report on film incentives under consideration now in the General Assembly. The Sandhills Pulse promoted contributor Jim Stegall‘s report on the latest developments in a Moore County charter school’s fight to remain open. The Forest City Daily Courier also referenced Carolina Journal in an article discussing charter school lawsuits. In other news, a recent Tara Servatius column in Creative Loafing references Associate Editor Sara Burrows‘ article on the recommendations of the state’s childhood obesity task force. A different column in the Newton Observer News Enterprise highlights Burrows’ work on the likely impact of a federal government assault on salt in items such as country ham. The Lincoln Tribune published Burrows’ article on centrist N.C. congressional Democrats’ refusal to stake out a position on an “emergency” bailout of state and local governments. The News & Observer‘s “Under the Dome” blog, the Lincoln Tribune, and N.C. Republican senators took note of contributor Sarah Okeson‘s report on a recent N.C. Supreme Court ruling in a public records suit pitting a state workers’ group against former State Treasurer Richard Moore. The Jefferson Post published Carolina Journal Radio Co-Host Donna Martinez‘s recent column about the economic lessons linked to Gordon Ramsay’s television program “Kitchen Nightmares.” The Richmond County Daily Journal picked up intern Amanda Vuke‘s column on the importance of engaging tradition.
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