Though the word hasn’t made it into the English language definitively, ‘strategery’ has become a colloquialism of sorts, thanks to Will Ferrell and a SNL skit. More-or-less a way to humorously characterize a strategy, ‘strategery’ is the perfect word to describe some recent attempts at gaining supporters by global warming alarmists. Last week we reported on Paul Chesser‘s discovery of the “Evangelical Climate Initiative” in the American Spectator. Picking Jesus as their poster-child, this group’s wacky message piqued the interest of the syndicated (mostly in the West) “Steel on Steel” program, and WPOS-FM in Toledo, Ohio. Meanwhile, Dr. Roy Cordato, after writing a CJ Online Weekly Journal, an Op-Ed for the Greenville News&Record and an interview with Ken Bagwell, WGZM-Asheville, found this as a retort. In short, even if we’re not sure of what’s causing global warming, we should still do something, anything, before it’s too late. Vernacular translation: see, precautionary principle.
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