Joy Pullman of the Federalist takes an NBC reporter to task for inane tweets related to the impact of the new federal tax law.
President Trump visited Ohio Monday, which included a public event at which Ohioans told what they were going to do with their $1,000 bonuses, increased wages, and lowered tax burden thanks to Republicans’ tax overhaul. NBC reporter Katy Tur decided to voice her disdain for their stories on Twitter. …
… [I]t’s actually a reality check about what seems to be her wild ignorance of common American household expenses. …
… A key way to give people the power to support themselves is to keep government to the few things it does well, thus allowing citizens to keep more of what they earn. Taxes on companies are taxes on work. And when you tax something, you get less of it. That’s econ 101. It has nothing to do with politics, it’s just the way life is. …
… Another math fact from econ 101: You can’t lower taxes significantly on the people who contribute the least. You have to go where the money is. Doing that makes more money for all of us, because to stay competitive companies are highly likely to invest bigger profit margins back into their businesses, which means higher incomes and training for workers, and more and better equipment, all of which is healthy for the economy at large. This is precisely what we’re seeing out of the tax cuts (although I doubt it can last very long without major federal spending and economic policy reform, which are long-term, structural dampers on our economy).