Christopher Bedford of the Federalist explains why he believes public school students across the country face a more significant threat than coronavirus.
I know there are states across the country where public school teachers have gone back to work just like the rest of us. I know there are public school teachers who want to go back to work and teach kids in person, and who are heartbroken over the damage their colleagues are inflicting on America’s children. But there are tens of thousands of teachers singing a very different song, and theirs is by far the loudest.
These are teachers like the one in Los Angeles who warned colleagues not to post their “spring break” vacation pictures, pointing out it’s “hard to argue that it is unsafe for in-person instruction, if parents and the public see vacation photos and international travel.” Or the one in Los Angeles who sent an email to a mother who criticized the union, asking what her race is.
Just a week ago, California politicians agreed to pay a $6.6 billion ransom just for the unions to agree to teach again, on top of all the federal funds.
These are teachers like the ones in Montgomery County, Md., who held a parade to protest returning to schools. “You will not sacrifice our lives, disrupt our communities, and endanger our students,” teacher Jeremy Levine declared. “For what? Test scores? Or a few folks to get their free babysitters back?” …
… They are teachers like the ones lobbying Democrats to take money set aside to bring internet to poorer school districts, and reroute it to pay for teachers not having to go back to school.
Teachers all over the country demanded they get the vaccination first, despite an average and median age more than 20 years younger than the at-risk groups, and still refused to return when politicians agreed, moving the goalpost to all children despite no vaccine yet proven child-safe.