Paul Mirengoff of the Powerline blog highlights bad news for Democrats involving a growing segment of the voting population.

We have noted the rapid decline of the Democrats’ popularity among Latinos. A group (if it makes sense to refer to such a diverse collection of voters as such) that has strongly supported Democrats until recently now is evenly split in its backing of the two parties, according to recent polls.

Ruy Teixeira argues that the news on Latino voters is even worse than now perceived. It’s noteworthy that Teixeira says this. In 2004, he, along with John Judis, wrote The Emerging Democratic Majority. They predicted that the rise of America’s Latino population would confer clear majority status on Democrats in the coming decades.

To be fair to Teixeira, I should point out, as Kyle Smith trenchantly does, that in 2004 “the Democratic Party was not yet a cult of lunatics dedicated to explaining that men can give birth, gigantic new federal spending programs reduce inflation, the comptroller of the currency should be someone who believes in ‘ending banking as we know it,’ energy production should be re-outsourced to Saudi Arabia and Latinos should be referred to as ‘Latinx.’”

In any event, Teixeira now sees big trouble ahead for Democrats. He offers numerous recent data points to support his pessimism (Teixeira is a Democrat). In his view:

“It is hard to avoid the conclusion that Democrats have seriously erred by lumping Hispanics in with ‘people of color’ and assuming they embraced the activism around racial issues that dominated so much of the political scene in 2020, particularly in the summer. This was a flawed assumption.” …

… In a better economy and with a less feeble president, I expect that Democrats would still do pretty well with Latinos, though not as well as in the past. The Dems’ wokeness, radicalism, and disdain for America and for large numbers of Americans (if not concealed better) would still count against them.