Buncombe County is soliciting input for a new greenway in the Bent Creek area. I do not yet know if it involves the $6 million Ferry Road parcel the county was saving for Deschutes and, according to the commissioners’ last budget session, could be sold to help avoid a tax increase. That said, as you may have guessed, the survey does not ask if you want a greenway or not, so much as which path you want it to take. There is, however, a question later on that asks on a scale of 0 to 5 how you prioritize greenways funding in the whole scheme of tax-funded activities, as if the answers to something so vague can have any statistical validity.
UPDATE: With amazing customer service, Josh O’Conner, now manager of Buncombe County Recreation Services informed me the greenways had nothing to do with the Deschutes bait.