When John Locke Foundation Policy Analyst Michael Lowrey touted “flex growth” this week as a smarter alternative for North Carolina governments than “smart growth,” WSOC Television responded with an interview on the topic. N.C. Senate Republicans highlighted the news release associated with Lowrey’s research.
Vice President for Research and Resident Scholar Roy Cordato earned air time with Chad Adams on the WLTT Radio morning program. Cordato rebutted President Obama’s inaccurate statements about the national economy.
The News & Observer‘s “Wake Ed” blog quoted Director of Research and Education Studies Terry Stoops, who had observed that a comment at the most recent State Board of Education meeting from the Democratic superintendent of public instruction might have been aimed as a not-so-subtle dig at her Republican opponent.
N.C. Senate Republicans promoted Research Publications Coordinator Julie Gilstrap‘s column noting the continued importance of self-reliance and family bonds as counterweights to government programs.