Steve Forbes pans the “bloody bankruptcy” of President Obama’s foreign and military policy within the latest issue of Forbes magazine.

Our strategy for fighting Islamic extremism is a failure. Yet despite the rhetoric of stepping up our efforts and the talk of working closely with Russia and France to fight ISIS, Barack Obama fundamentally refuses to alter his disastrous course.

Obama has a rigid view of the world from which, apparently, nothing can shake him. To his mind, the root cause of what afflicts the globe is Western imperialism and the evil results it left in its wake. Concurrently, the U.S. has been a malignant force beyond its shores. For example, why is Iran mad at us? Because the U.S. and Great Britain supported a coup in 1953 that overthrew an anti-Western prime minister and restored the Shah to his throne.

Of course, Obama seems not to have noticed that there was plenty of war and turmoil in the world before the U.S. came along and before European powers gobbled up Africa in the 1800s, or that Africa was plagued with slavery and slave-trading before any white man showed up. Or that the U.S. twice fought world wars against tyranny. Or that we brought down the Soviet Union, which had caused the deaths of tens of millions of people. No matter. In his worldview we and the evil Europeans are the serpents who despoiled the Garden of Eden and we must now suffer the consequences.

The President will do the least overseas that he can feasibly get away with, politically. He devoutly believes that the world–and the U.S.–will ultimately be better off because of his forbearance.