This week, the North Carolina Senate introduced Senate Bill 49: “Parents’ Bill of Rights,” sponsored by Senators Amy Galey, Michael Lee, and Lisa Barnes.
Locke’s “2023 State of North Carolina Legislative Agenda” put forward policy recommendations on education, encouraging the General Assembly to codify the rights of parents and guardians to direct their children’s education and well-being. Additionally, our recommendations were to craft legislation ensuring transparency regarding curriculum and school operations, providing parents and guardians peace of mind that their children receive a quality education.
S.B. 49 achieves the policy goals put forward in Locke’s legislative agenda.
The N.C. Senate’s Education/Higher Education Committee passed the bill on February 1, 2023, where Locke’s Government Affairs Team provided testimony in support of the bill.
You can see a video of Locke’s official testimony in committee here.
S.B. 49 is scheduled to appear in the N.C. Senate’s Health Care Committee on Thursday, February 2, 2023, and will likely be on the Senate Floor for votes the following week.
The Government Affairs Team will continue to track and monitor S.B. 49 through the N.C. Senate, and as it crosses over to the N.C. House.