• Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-10th District, and Democratic opponent Patsy Keever offer a feisty opening to the fall campaign.


• It’s not technically a campaign event, but a Sept. 25 appearance at Wake Forest University’s Wait Chapel by President Obama’s debt commission chairs, Erskine Bowles and former Sen. Alan Simpson, is likely to attact attention from the presidential campaigns.


• Though she’s not running for re-election, Gov. Bev Perdue has weighed in on an issue that could affect a number of races across the country: She and Gov. Mike Beebe, D-Ark., have petitioned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, asking it to waive a requirement that a large percentage of the corn harvest be diverted to ethanol and other renewable fuel production.


• Dobbins Heights Mayor Antonio Blue, a Democrat, officially opened his write-in campaign for the 8th Congressional District. Blue says incumbent Democrat Larry Kissell should have backed President Obama’s agenda.


• Rep. Mike McIntyre, D-7th District, is on the air with his first ad. It does not mention his party affiliation.