Cheryl Chumley of the Washington Times highlights one of the Trump administration’s most effective voices.
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is just about killing it at the global body.
In recent remarks to the General Assembly, Haley first condemned the anti-Israel faction of the bunch for using the global body for politics, not peace promotion. And then, dramatically enough, she brought to vote a U.S.-penned measure that explicitly faulted Hamas for violence at the Gaza border — a measure that was tacked on as an amendment to an anti-Israel resolution and that actually received the thumbs-up from the majority of the voting parties.
Did you get that? It actually received a majority backing.
This Haley amendment ultimately failed, due to a procedural glitch — a politically strategic glitch that came only after most in the body, 62 versus 58 (with 42 abstentions) voted in favor of the add-on. But what’s clear is this: Haley, who’s been rocking at the United Nations since day one, hasn’t slowed her pro-Israel bent a bit.
She’s entirely unafraid to take on the forces who want nothing more than to see Israel wiped from the face of the map. …
… Regardless, the vote showed a decided change in heart at the United Nations — and it has to be noted that this change is due in large part to Haley’s consistent and bold pro-Israel, pro-United States diplomatic leadership.
“It’s a new day at the @UN,” Haley tweeted, in the aftermath of the vote. “We were proud that more countries were on the right side of history … than weren’t, when it came to condemning Hamas and holding them responsible for Gaza.”
And the world is taking notice.