Yesterday, during his 54 minute speech on the economy, President Obama, clearly showing confusion about who the prospective Republican nominee is, said that Republicans are “in favor of a ‘no-holds barred, government is the enemy, market is everything’ approach.” Someone needs to inform the president that Ron Paul only received about 12 percent of the vote in the primaries and has suspended his campaign. He needs to be informed that it is clear to everyone that Mitt Romney will be receiving the Republican nomination in Tampa. He should take solace in the fact that there is probably not a single area of our economic life where the Republicans, either as a party or as represented by the person who actually will be his opponent, believe that the “government is the enemy.” Unlike Paul, the person that the Republicans will be nominating has shown no evidence that he wants to abolish the Fed., make banks and financial concerns actual free market institutions, abolish the minimum wage, eliminate any regulatory agency, or even favors a  free market in health care. And, as I noted in a Locker Room post the other day, nearly all of Obama’s own economic proposals have been nothing more than programs that built on and extended similar or, in the case of the Fed, identical, policies from the previous Republican administration. Mr. President you need to inform your speech writers that the Republican party has not adopted the Libertarian party platform and that Ron Paul will not be getting the Republican nomination.