John Locke Foundation analysts shared their expertise again this week with radio and television outlets. Becki Gray offered a legislative update to Matt Mittan’s radio listeners on WWNC’s “Take a Stand Show” in Asheville. David Bass discussed the controversy over school lunch programs with Scott Fitzgerald on the WPTF Radio morning program. JLF communications director Mitch Kokai joined Curtis Wright on Wilmington’s “Big Talker” Radio to discuss state budget issues. Kokai also earned some television time this week in a News 14 Carolina story responding to Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker’s plans to seek a fifth term. As this report is being prepared, News 14 Carolina is scheduled to return to the JLF office to interview Roy Cordato about North Carolina’s new unemployment numbers. Speaking of television, Meck Deck blogger Jeff Taylor regularly helps set the agenda for Charlotte-area television news departments. This week, WCNC responded to a Taylor blog entry about the bankruptcy filing involving the owner of Carolina Place Mall.
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