Several media outlets have featured opinion pieces recently from writers with John Locke Foundation ties. The Richmond County Daily Journal published an article from N.C. Education Alliance Fellow Kristen Blair about the growing problem of cheating among young people. Tax credits for special-needs children inspired a recent column from Carolina Journal Radio Co-Host Donna Martinez; the Lenoir News-Topic published that piece. A review of the recent book The Dumbest Generation earned CJ Associate Editor David Bass a spot in The American Spectator. And the latest CJ Online Daily Journal from Jon Sanders, JLF Policy Analyst and Research Editor, which highlights a misguided discussion of stifling free expression within N.C. State University’s Free Expression Tunnel, attracted attention from (Sanders references a University of North Carolina system task force formed in reaction to complaints about the Free Expression Tunnel. A meeting of that task force inspired a Durham Herald-Sun article this week that references the John Locke Foundation’s support of free speech.)