Editorial writers continue to cite John Hood’s work as they discuss important public policy issues in North Carolina. A Transylvania Times editorial on a controversial voter identification bill invoked Hood’s “three tests” for government action. The editorial page editor for the Gates County Index and Roanoke-Chowan News Herald mentioned Hood in a column about the editorial page’s ideological balance. N.C. Senate Republicans’ daily press email highlighted Hood’s columns this week on government guards and thieves, and Democrats’ outlandish claims about Republican budget plans. The Senate GOP email also cited a guest column from Eli Lehrer about auto insurance reform in North Carolina. The Wilmington Star-News published an updated version of that column. The News & Observer and Charlotte Observer quoted Lehrer and mentioned the John Locke Foundation in an article about the state insurance commissioner’s negative reaction to reform proposals. Republican senators promoted a JLF news release featuring Troy Kickler’s comments about the 235th anniversary of the Halifax Resolves. TenthAmendmentCenter.com promoted Kickler’s column on the importance of that late 18th-century resolution.