National Review Online’s Jim Geraghty promoted this week in his “Morning Jolt” e-mail newsletter a Right Angles blog entry from John Locke Foundation Vice President for Communications Jon Ham. Ham contends that taxpaying producers will not suffer “leeches and parasites” indefinitely. Speaking of NRO, JLF President John Hood‘s contributions to that Web site’s primary blog, “The Corner,” continue to attract attention from other sites such as Top Conservative Blogs, Conservative Blog Watch, Liberal Whoppers, and World Actual News. The Washington Daily News sought Hood’s expertise this week for a story about a new ranking of legislators’ effectiveness. N.C. Senate Republicans also highlighted Hood’s Daily Journal column this week about improving North Carolina’s system for transportation funding. In other news, a legislative candidate profiled in the Greensboro News & Record‘s “Capital Beat” blog this week explained that “I get a lot of my ideas from” the John Locke Foundation. The Greater Wilmington Business Journal cited the John Locke Foundation in a brief profile of Robby Kendall, the new host of WLTT Radio’s morning program. (At that station, he also cultivated relationships with many of the same people that influence conservative policy in North Carolina such as the John Locke Foundation, the Civitas Institute and former Charlotte mayor Pat McCrory.)