March 6, 2019
Contact: Joseph Coletti
John Locke Foundation
[email protected]
Gov. Cooper’s Latest Budget Plan No More Realistic Than Others He Has Proposed
JLF analyst highlights flaws in governor’s plan
RALEIGH — Gov. Roy Cooper unveiled his latest budget plan today, one day before that proposal will head to the joint N.C. House and Senate budget-writing Appropriations Committees.
“Gov. Cooper’s $25 billion budget proposal for 2019-20 is no more realistic than his previous two,” said Joseph Coletti, John Locke Foundation senior fellow. “That’s despite the larger Democratic presence in the legislature that could help build more support for reasonable ideas.”
“His $3.9 billion bond proposal is twice as large as anything else under discussion,” Coletti added. “Its budget impact would not be felt until after the next election. Meanwhile, his proposed Medicaid expansion would raise taxes on health care providers, who are already complaining about proposed changes to the State Health Plan, by $500 million over two years.”
Coletti notes one key positive sign. “For all of the governor’s complaints over time about tax cuts since Republicans gained control of the General Assembly in 2011, he wisely does not seek to undo any of them.”
Of Particular Concern For Parents, State Employees, and Taxpayers
1. Gov. Cooper would close the door on Opportunity Scholarships that help low-income parents find better education alternatives.
2. Gov. Cooper fails to put aside enough money for unfunded state government retiree health benefits.
3. Gov. Cooper’s budget would add $288 million in new state debt without a vote of the people.
Coletti will offer more detailed budget analysis for the John Locke Foundation’s blog, “The Locker Room,” at Follow @JohnLockeNC on Twitter for the latest updates.
Questions? We’re Ready To Talk With You
Contact Joseph Coletti, [email protected], 919-828-3876,
or Mitch Kokai, [email protected], 919-306-8736.