It’s becoming a bromide, really. The trite and recited comment made by politicians that incentives are a necessary evil. But that’s simply not the case. Chad Adams, in an interview with the Sanford Herald,
challenges politicians not to take the easy route of dropping money
into the laps of business. Instead entice them with an
environment for good business, bolstering infrastructure and eliminating tax biases that favor certain businesses and activities over others. John Hood,
at an Institute for Emerging Issues working group meeting at NC State
pushed for this and the use of flatter taxes and less taxing power for
local governments. Michael Sanera, in the News & Observer,
noted a glaring example of business bias. The City of Raleigh, by
providing up to $1 million to a high-end restaurant, is subsidizing a
business at the expense of other restaurants.
Ratcheting Back Incentives and Tax Biases