As Watauga County voters decide whether to support a local sales-tax hike, John Locke Foundation researchers have raised red flags about the proposal. Director of Education Studies Dr. Terry Stoops, Director of Health and Fiscal Policy Studies Joseph Coletti, and Director of Research and Local Government Studies Dr. Michael Sanera all contributed to a Regional Brief challenging Watauga’s case for a sales-tax increase. Stoops also released a new Spotlight report on the potential benefits of a technology-based “disruption innovation” for North Carolina’s rural school districts. That report attracted attention from the Lincoln Tribune and Tar Heel Tribune. Stoops contributed his expertise to a pair of Durham Herald-Sun articles this week. One examined charter and nonpublic school enrollment trends, while the other discussed potential teacher hiring reforms. Coletti hit the road this week to discuss the state’s economic outlook with the Randolph County Republican Women. The Asheboro Courier-Tribune promoted that speech. Vice President for Research and Resident Scholar Dr. Roy Cordato returned to the radio airwaves in the past week, discussing with WLTT’s Chad Adams a recent column which labeled President Obama’s anti-recessionary policies “George W. Bush on steroids.” Cordato also discussed his sales-tax reform ideas for a Heartland Institute podcast, and the website posted a video of Cordato discussing the same topic. The Mises Institute promoted Cordato’s book Efficiency and Externalities in an Open-Ended Universe, and former JLF research intern Geoff Lawrence followed suit for the Write On Nevada blog. Daren Bakst, Director of Legal and Regulatory Studies, joined Chad Adams on WLTT to discuss Texas’ battle with the Environmental Protection Agency, along with North Carolina’s ongoing Titan Cement controversy. The Mecklenburg County GOP website promoted Bakst’s most recent Rights and Regulation Update, which featured an item titled “Why your vote may not count.” (The “MeckGOP” site also highlighted Cordato’s Environment Update.)
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