Readers of the News & Observer‘s “Road Warrior” column encountered this week a full article on the John Locke Foundation’s research into the Wake County transit plan, along with public presentations on the topic from Michael Sanera, JLF Director of Research and Local Government Studies. The N&O also published a letter from Sanera that rebutted flaws in the original column. In a separate article, the News & Observer also discussed Sanera’s recent brief presentation on the transit plan to Raleigh City Council. On another topic, the Heritage Foundation’s “Insider Online” promoted Sanera’s recent critique of Wake County’s sustainability task force report. Speaking of sustainability, Southwest Wake News previewed a speech at Thales Academy in Apex on the theme “What is meant by sustainable growth?” by Roy Cordato, Vice President for Research and Resident Scholar. WNCN Television interviewed Cordato for an investigative report about surprising levels of state government overtime pay. The Freeman published Cordato’s article panning the so-called “Buffett Rule” as a job-creation tool. Terry Stoops, Director of Education Studies, appears later this morning on WPTF Radio to discuss the political dispute over North Carolina’s national education spending ranking. The Richmond County Daily Journal and Thomasville Times recently published Stoops’ column on schools’ efforts to fight childhood obesity. Policy analyst Michael Lowrey released his latest By The Numbers report ranking North Carolina cities and counties by their local government tax-and-fee burdens.