Bryan Preston documents at a disturbing conservation among supporters of the dangerous Critical Race Theory.

According to a handful of critical race theory proponents who want the controversial worldview to be taught in schools and dominate our society, reason must be rejected and the United States Constitution should be “burned.” …

… [O]ne of the CRT supporters calls for both the rejection of reason and the end of the American Constitution. …

… The four CRT backers involved in the conversation are Alfred “Shivy” Brooks, candidate for city council in Atlanta; Dr. Kate Slater, a recruiter for a leading prep school; and Louiza “Weeze” Doran. Los Angeles high school teacher Will Rausch (lower left in the video) also took part in the conversation with the CRT backers to learn more about what they think and what they would have America’s K-12 schools teach to children.

The entire conversation is available on YouTube. It occurred on May 18, 2021, on the Teacher Talk Live podcast of Aldred “Shivy” Brooks. …

… Once reason is rejected, on what basis can any understanding take place?

The conversation moved into white supremacy, whiteness, and the like. Glossing over the overt racism that CRT mandates, the trio stated that Candace Owens, who is black, is actually white. …

… CRT adherents clearly and openly want to destroy (they use the word “dismantle”) our nation and way of life. They have not said openly what they intend to replace America with.

If history is any guide, they intend to replace the Constitution with Marxism, and any notion of peaceful life with show trials, struggle sessions, social shunning and imprisonment of all dissenters, and eventually genocide. That may all sound extreme, but it’s no more extreme than casually calling to burn our Constitution, and it’s a logical and proven consequence when hatred based on collective guilt is openly preached and practiced as all three of the CRT practitioners do here and CRT proponents worldwide do as a matter of routine.