Republican challenger Thom Tillis knocks off incumbent Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan as the GOP wins control of the U.S. Senate.
David Rouzer flips the 7th Congressional District from Democratic to Republican control, giving the GOP a 10-3 edge in the congressional delegation. All other incumbents win re-election. Mark Walker (R) and Alma Adams (D) are new members of Congress.
Republicans net a three-seat loss in the N.C. House and gain one seat in the Senate. That means GOP supermajorities of 74-46 in the House and 34-16 in the Senate.
Appointed Chief Justice Mark Martin easily wins a full term on the N.C. Supreme Court. Associate Justice Robin Hudson wins re-election. Appeals Court Judge Sam “Jimmy” Ervin knocks off appointed incumbent Justice Robert Hunter. Incumbent Cheri Beasley appears to win re-election in a squeaker, though provisional ballots could affect that result. Challenger Mike Robinson might end up with a close-enough margin to call for a recount.
John Tyson wins the wild 19-candidate race for a seat on the N.C. Court of Appeals. Incumbents win the other Appeals Court races.
Eight of 10 counties voting on sales-tax hikes say no, including Guilford and Mecklenburg counties. Only Anson and Ashe counties say yes.
Voters approve a constitutional amendment allowing defendants to waive their right to a jury trial. Bonds fare well on ballots across the state.
Democrats targeting Wake County succeed in sweeping out Republican county commissioners. Democrats now hold all seven commission seats. Meanwhile, Democrats knock off only one Wake County GOP legislator, Tom Murry.