The Heritage Foundation’s “Insider Online” blog and took note this week of 2014-15 N.C. state budget analysis from John Locke Foundation Director of Fiscal Policy Studies Sarah Curry and Director of Research and Education Studies Terry Stoops. also promoted Curry’s research newsletter on changes in the state budget process, Health and Human Services Policy Analyst Katherine Restrepo‘s newsletter on certificate-of-need reform, and Restrepo’s column on Medicaid reform.
Director of Regulatory Studies Jon Sanders issued a new report on chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing for energy sources. The N.C. Spin website and N.C. Senate Republicans’ daily press email both highlighted Stoops’ column panning a court ruling on the state’s new Opportunity Scholarship Program.
The Senate GOP also promoted Vice President for Research and Resident Scholar Roy Cordato‘s column on proposed changes in federal ozone standards. Chapel Hill’s Daily Tar Heel interviewed Stoops about teacher pay raises. The Kernersville News published Restrepo’s column on the prospects for abuse of Medicaid‘s joint federal-state funding mechanism.