Shawn Fleetwood of the Federalist highlights the federal government’s efforts to boost President Biden’s re-election prospects.
Nearly three years have passed since President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14019, an overreaching directive aimed at inserting the federal government into state election administration.
While deceptively marketed as a heroic effort to enhance “American democracy,” Biden’s directive is far more partisan than the White House and regime-aligned media are willing to admit. The order instructed hundreds of federal agencies to interfere in the electoral process by using U.S. taxpayer money to boost voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities. More specifically, federal departments were told to collaborate with so-called “nonpartisan third-party organizations” that have been “approved” by the administration to supply “voter registration services on agency premises.”
Despite the administration’s attempt to stonewall requests for — and heavily redact — documents related to the order’s implementation, conservative media outlets and good government groups have obtained communications revealing that many of the supposedly “nonpartisan” groups colluding with federal agencies on voter registration efforts are extremely left-wing.
Among these organizations is Demos, a left-wing advocacy group seeking to advance the Democrat Party’s political agenda. According to InfluenceWatch, the group has “close ties” to the faction of the Democrat Party “associated with” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., signed a petition backing the Green New Deal, and is staffed with Democrat operatives. The left-wing American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU, is also among those working with federal agencies to register new voters. …
… [V]oter registration efforts are almost always a partisan venture and often involve left-wing groups that abuse their nonprofit status to target likely-Democrat voters. (Congressional Democrats have voted down Republican-backed legislation aimed at repealing Biden’s directive.)
Biden’s unprecedented use of taxpayer dollars to run highly partisan voter registration and get-out-the-vote operations to the benefit of Democrats is unlikely to instill confidence in American voters, whose trust in the electoral process was shaken following the chaotic and irregular 2020 election.