Luther Ray Abel of National Review ponders the latest attempt to rebrand an incompetent vice president.

Kamala Harris, the woman you thought you knew as the ruthless California Democrat with a gaffe and a cackling problem, is taking on a “forceful new role” as a “one-woman rapid-response team”  in the Biden administration. Republicans available for comment said things such as “Hallelujah!” and “Gee! I’m looking forward to that.” The New York Times was there for the story on why Americans have always been wrong about Kamala Harris. …

… “Ms. Harris has for years been saddled by criticism of her performance,” is an all-timer in the “I’m bad at my job, and it’s other people’s fault for noticing” category. As National Review has covered extensively, … Kamala Harris finds it difficult to say or do anything that isn’t factually wrong, incomprehensible, or alarming.

With all of that accepted, in a moment of inspiration, the White House observed the VP and thought to foist her blunderbuss mind upon the fact-checkers, activists, and journalist classes of the Right. In a political scrum, it doesn’t matter if she’s wrong because, by the time campaigns have a rebuttal, she’s already ten lies down the line.

Even better for the White House, these bold fabrications satisfy a Democratic base that disliked Kamala’s disappearance, as they’re especially sensitive to the impression that a strong woman has been forced to pipe down. Harris loosed on a GOP field is a fundraising bonanza, and she doesn’t have to pretend that she’ll debate any of the Republicans who call her out on her lies because she knows the truth and that Republicans are nothing but apologists for slavery. …

… The Biden administration is making the most of a charitable press corps, fratricidal GOP primary field, and a live grenade in its vice president to sow as much chaos as possible while remaining above the fray.