In the “this should come as no surprise” category, the North Carolina public supports voter ID.

A new Civitas poll, conducted by Cygnal, found that a strong majority of likely North Carolina general election voters favor requiring a photo ID to vote in person.

Here is the question (question 14):

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Every person that votes inperson in North Carolina should present photo identification before voting.”

67.9% of those surveyed agreed while only 23.6% disagreed. Looking at the crosstabs, majorities across race, sex, age, education, income level, and region support voter ID.

Support for voter ID even crossed North Carolina’s rural-urban divide:

  • A majority of rural voters support voter ID.
  • A majority of suburban voters support voter ID.
  • A majority of urban voters support voter ID.

There are only two types of people who do not support voter ID: liberals and (relatedly) Democrats.

These results should come as no surprise because North Carolina voters easily passed the voter ID constitutional amendment in 2018 even though opponents of the amendment outspent supporters 14-to-1.

The North Carolina Supreme Court recently heard a case on that voter ID constitutional amendment. If a majority of justices insist on usurping the people’s authority by overturning the amendment they passed, it will certainly be an issue in the two Supreme Court races on the ballot this fall.

You can find links to details and crosstabs here.