Law & Public Safety
Through research and policy proposals, Locke supports the protection of the public and the right to self-defense. Unfortunately, issues like overcriminalization and asset seizure have caused public safety to stray from that vital responsibility.
Raleigh Lets Its Inane Marxist Graffiti Turn Three
Today is the three-year anniversary of inbound visitors being welcomed by Raleigh’s inane Marxist blight: The first thing people entering downtown Raleigh see on inbound South Saunders Street is the…
Protecting North Carolinians from Asset Forfeiture Abuse
Compared with most states’ laws, North Carolina’s asset forfeiture laws do an excellent job of protecting innocent property owners and discouraging abuse. Unfortunately, the federal government’s equitable sharing program makes…
Forbidding adult content to children isn’t banning adult content
The North Carolina Senate passed a bill unanimously on Monday, May 1. That legislation, Senate Bill 579, would increase the penalty for violating state law on “Obscene literature and demonstrations”…
North Carolina Supreme Court is correct to rehear Voter ID and Redistricting rulings
The North Carolina Supreme court is scheduled to rehear two high-stakes election lawsuits on redistricting and voter ID. The State Supreme Court ruled on two different voter ID lawsuits last…
Restoring the Separation of Powers in North Carolina
The North Carolina State Constitution unequivocally declares, “The legislative, executive, and supreme judicial powers shall be forever separate and distinct from each other.” Despite that declaration, North Carolinians are increasingly…
Mental Illness and Substance Abuse
Substance abuse, severe mental illness, homelessness, poverty, crime, and other social disorders are now seemingly rampant problems. Videos taken from the streets of Los Angeles and Philadelphia and shared on…
“Family mourns 83-year-old man killed after being shoved by thief at Home Depot”
That’s the headline of a recent WRAL report. The report continues: A Home Depot employee who was in the hospital for weeks after being shoved down by a man stealing merchandise has…
Policy Pizza: The Judicial System
The courts have an incredible impact on the work of public policy think tank and Mitch Kokai keeps track of the important cases working their way through North Carolina’s court…
Poor State, Federal Response to Hurricanes Prolongs Families’ Misery
Billions of taxpayer dollars are expended on hurricane recovery in North Carolina. Disaster responses historically fail to meet victims’ needs and waste significant funds. The federal government should step back and…
Beasley’s Past Association with Defund the Police Advocacy Group Comes Back to Bite Her
The Washington Free Beacon reported this week that: The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association on Wednesday announced its endorsement of Republican Senate nominee Ted Budd. The decision comes as a rebuff…
Biden Rejects “Defund the Police”
More cops means less crime.
The Money-Obsessed Leandro Lobby Comes Clean
The North Carolina Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the Leandro case on August 31. Chants of “cut the check” and “let the money go” during Every Child NC’s…